Hari minggu kemaren temen sekantor nikah di cirebon. Karena lokasinya di luar j.town,gw sempet ragu mau dateng apa kaga.secara eke bocah angkot,gw ga mungkin carter kopaja sampe cirebon.mau naik cirex aka cirebon ekspres,kaga sempeet boooo beli tiketnya ke stasiun,rempong (sebenernya karena gw nya males).dari dalam hati yg paling dalam sebenernya mengharap banget tebengan temen kantor ke cirebon. Eng ing eeeeng......akhirnya tawaran itu datang juga dari bu boss.hehehehe.
Jadilah gw nebeng ibu boss ke cirebon. Bu boss eke orangnya top abis masalah jalan dan tujuan2 wisata dan belanja.Mulai dari kota aceh sampai kota jayapura dia tau tempatkereen.
Pulang kondangan di mesjid At-Taqwa Cirebon bu boss mau beli kue beku dulu di jalan....,eke lupa booo nama jalannya,yg pasti tempatnya di kampung arab,masuk dari sebelah hotel slamet,yang jual juga orang arab....mancuuung booooo idungnya.
Apa itu kue beku? Definisi gw (bener2 definisi gw bukan dari kamus besar bahasa Indonesia) kue beku it kue2 atau makanan kecil yang masih setengah jadi atau masih dlm btk adonan. Kita tinggal goreng atau panggang aja di rumah. Bentuknya macem2,da donat, resoles, martabak, kue kacang ijo, roti cane aka roti maryam..
Tertariklah eke untuk membeli. Seplastik isi 5 roti cane harganya ceban. Muraaaaaaah booo
Jadilah eke 3 hari ini sarapan roti maryam bertoping saus coklat nan lezat. Thnx God,gw ga sakit perut.
Selasa, 22 Maret 2011
Selasa, 15 Maret 2011
I called it "banjarmasin floating city"
Banjarmasin is the capital city of South Kalimantan and it is one of the biggest cities in Kalimantan Island or sometime it called Borneo Island. February 2011 I went to Banjarmasin, it took an one hour and a half from jakarta by plane, there is an hour a diferent time between jakarta and banjarmasin.
I called Banjarmasin as floating city because a lot of house are built on not in the bank of the river but they absolutly built di permukaan sungai. some delicous sea food ......floating market..klotok
the people use water from the river for kebutuhan sehari-hari such as for cooking, washing their clothes, take a bath, and so on
banjarmasin city of water
The uniquely of this floating market, is caused of transaction of sales that done on the boat. The merchants bring land product such as; fruits, vegetables, food and it handicrafts. This activity takes place from 05.00 to 09.00 mornings. Its location resides in Barito River.
Kamis, 10 Maret 2011
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